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  • Writer's pictureGolden Heaven on Earth

Angelic Signs

Angels are just waiting to show us of their existence. When we call upon them they have many ways to show us a personal sign. They want us to know that they have heard us and are indeed with us. These are just a few of the common signs, but the list is not exhaustive: • Feathers appearing in a way that has meaning for you • Clouds • a song on the radio about Angels • a word on a signpost as you drive • a book falling off a shelf as you walk into a room • finding coins • someone talking to you about Angels • someone telling you something that answers a question or problem that has been on your mind • a stranger giving you appropriate advice • the spontaneous love of an animal • someone buying you an Angel related gift out of the blue • seeing an image of an Angel or a feather e.g. on the TV, on a moving vehicle, on your computer screen

The list is endless and will always be personalised to mean something unique and special to the person receiving the sign. If you have been asking Angels to come into your life then be open to anything that is significant or personal to you. There are many ways the Angels use to let you know that they have heard you, and that they are with you.

Angels always hear you, and they always send you a sign

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