Today is the day to release. To release anything that no longer serves you. Call upon Archangel Michael. Ask him to cut the cords of attachment that bind you to:
Unhealthy people
Unhealthy patterns
Unhealthy mind-sets
Possessions, unhealthy circumstances
Walk away and feel the freedom as you realise your authentic self.
As you find your peace, you act as a beacon of positive energy for others with your equilibrium and your spirit.
When everyone finds peace
We will have Heaven on Earth
Ask Archangel Raphael to heal you during your times of transition
Ask Archangel Zadkiel to transmute all lower energies with the violet flame, freeing you from stuckness and from stagnation.
With renewed clarity write down:
How your ideal life would look
How your ideal life would help you feel
How your ideal life would help others
Ask that the Angels bring you your ideal life, heart's desires.
Everything is interconnected
Your growth feeds the growth of everyone, the entire Universe
Be the person who steps forward today and say 'I now relinquish all material, egoic and selfish needs and embrace the peace love and magnificence of freedom'
In your place of freedom the Universe provides you with everything that your heart needs; unconditional love. Fly free. This is your moment!
Where there is unconditional love
There are Angels!
For more information, please see my "Meet you Angels" E-Book by clicking below