We are all Souls
All Souls contain Light
Sometimes this Light is very hidden
Over many lifetimes it has become deeper and deeper entrenched in
Now is the time to see the glimmer of Light in all sentient Beings
Your Love helps to ignite the spark of Love in the Heart and Soul of another
This spark can create more Light
As the Light increases the Heart is slowly healed ...
cell by cell
layer by layer
lifetime by lifetime
This Light that is obscured in a cluttered and chaotic Heart, can be healed by the Love and Light from You!
Think of someone today ...
who is entrenched
cannot see a way forward
has become unable to see another way of living
Send them Love and Light from your Heart TODAY!
They will feel it at an energetic level and it will make a healing impact ...
Ask that this Love and Light, reach this person for their highest good
In every moment, remember that ...
Love is healing
Love heals everyone
Love heals everything
When you open your mind and Heart to sending Love ... the Universe sees
The Universe sees and you are yourself are
showered in Heavenly Blessings on many levels of your Being
This shower is like a Rainbow
Each colour fills your Aura
Once your Aura contains all the colours of the Rainbow Light ...
You will be HEALED!
You will know the feeling of walking in the BLISS of HEAVEN ON EARTH!
Heaven is not a place
Heaven is a state of Being
Ask the Universe today, that you may develop more Love and Compassion for yourself and others
Ask that your Rainbow Aura helps you to walk towards HEAVEN ON EARTH - and your ASCENSION...
Beacons of Light! Go Forth and Serve
To learn more from Michelle and her e-courses or a personal consultation, please click below
God s Infinite Beinghood and so am I
Thanks for uplifting words and