Great pools of energy are now reaching Earth, due to an astrological alignment that is only seen every 26,000 years.
The alignments of all the planets in our Universe are creating an energetic grid around the Earth
As living, breathing, matter.... we are all affected on many levels by these energetic changes....
Our cells, our fluids, our organic physical matter is being re-aligned, with the pull of the Universe
This creates within us
a purging
a purification
we feel exhausted and drained...emotionally, physically, psychologically and spiritually
One foot in front of the other becomes intolerable
Breathing in and out becomes even a noticeable effort
All these signs are passing symptoms of your body renewing, purifying and re-aligning....
As each purge occurs we can sometimes feel overwhelmed as things suddenly come up for release....
Unexpected aches and pains
Episodes of Depression
Sleepless nights
Drowsy days
Do not battle with these symptoms....if there is no underlying medical cause then these are all signs of your body re-aligning....
Ask the Universe to help you release, in a gentle wave...all the things in your life, that no longer serve you
Ask the Universe to help you feel nurtured during these times of change
Master your own life!
Live in the present moment with your own higher power
Ask your Angels to help you release anything that is not allowing you to breath with your higher power, in the present moment........
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Thank you for sharing this dear Michelle. I am a oldie 65 years. I experience a lot of old pains or old injuries coming up. My guides and of course my higher self also told me this and the energy now. What I do is meditate, take my rest, go in nature and listen to my body what I can or not eat. It is for everybody different how to manage these symptoms. Also how to meditate. So for the ones who read this. Everybody has a higher self and guides and guardian angels and ascended masters guiding you. Also other species can guide you. Call on them or also our Father/mother God or Source to help you. Ground yourself…
I keep wanting to sleep. And then either I’ll sleep very deeply. Or although I’m tired I cannot fall asleep and/or keep waking up.
Energetically, these are truly "interesting" times. I have certainly found my thoughts to be rather off or even hard to form. My cycles are a bit off as well. Thanks for sharing this with us, Michelle. Now I have an idea as to why I'm feeling a bit off my game. 💞🧬💞🧬
I think you must know me. Yes, on all counts. It helps to do creative things… learning watercolor painting by one of many online tutorials, or cooking great meals. Starting an indoor garden. Being mentally fit, is going to help keep you feeling hopeful and healthy. It’s challenging for many and coming up with ways to stay sane really need to be shared imo
I’m also identifying with all of the above, even outbursts of extreme sadness and tears, almost grief that appear out of nowhere and for no obvious reason. Thank you for the much needed confirmation.🌹