* SMILE at a boisterous child
* BUY some flowers and them to your boss
* TAKE out the rubbish for your neighbour
* BAKE a loaf of bread for your elderly neighbour
* SAY something kind or inspiring to the person sitting next to you on the way to work
* ASK the 'single parent' in your road - if they need help this week with anything
* GIVE your pet some extra attention
* MAKE your own sandwiches and the money you save buy YOURSELF a nice gift!
* LOOK at that 'homeless' person - with the eyes of God and a heart of love - and know that your good intention can help that person to turn their life around
A kind Soul is inspired by ANGELS
Show a random act of kindness today!
If you would like to meet your Angels: Books | GoldenHeavenOnEarth

Give .... to those who can not payback anything ... in return .....
do not expect anything ..... except a smile , a thank you from their heart .....
and maybe a tear of happiness on their cheeks. ....