The Oneness is the place where all energies of Peace and Unconditional Love merge
The Peace and Unconditional Love creates a resting place for all Souls
So does your journey end here?
No, this is the place of rest, between each incarnation...inbetween each lifetime
The Oneness is the experience of Bardo
Bardo is a state of suspension
A state of Bliss
A state of regeneration and renewal
Bardo is a place for resting souls - or the Oneness
At the end of each Soul journey or lifetime - the soul is returned to the state of Bardo
The Karmic Board, Guides and Angels then decide with the Soul the purpose deep within...at exactly the right moment, the Soul remembers and starts to become awake.
This life times purpose begins to unfold.....
For more information and the answers to some common questions, please see my EBook by clicking below